Ancestor Reverence

Why Revere the Ancestors?
The Ancestors are the reason that we are here. We are their descendants and their hope for the future. Through them we have knowledge of the way things used to be. They can give us knowledge of the old ways and help us to move into the new ways. Because of their experiences in life they can help us to move forward and adapt to changing situations.
The Ancestors are the closest spirits to us. We are literally standing on their shoulders. They understand our troubles and joys of life because they were here on this planet at one time, just like we are now.
They are revered and respected as Spirits and predecessors who are next to the Creator. They are the foundation upon which we live our lives.
Our continued connection to them allows them to bless or impede our growth in this world.
There is a story from Africa that illustrates this concept.

A very long time ago in a village in Africa an elderly man died. It was his Son’s duty and responsibility to organize his funeral. The Son had moved to the city years ago. He did not care much for tradition or the old customs. He did not see why all the prayers and ceremony were necessary. And he did not want to spend the money to have the traditional funerary rites done for his Father.
So the Son went back to the village and took the body of his Father and left the body at the base of a tree. He did not organize his funeral. He did not give him the traditional funerary rites. The Son moved back to the city and seldom thought of his Father.
Everything in his life began to go wrong. He did not prosper. He lost his family. He could not find any happiness. This sadness went on for many years.
Finally the Son returned to the village to get answers to his life’s troubles. He went to see a wise one, a healer and Diviner and asked him for a reading. The Diviner told the Son that all the troubles were from his Father. His Father was unhappy with his Son because had not given him his funerary rites. The Diviner told the Son to go to the tree where he had left his Father. It was necessary to give the Father the proper funeral rites.
When the Son found the tree he found what was left of his father. There were only some bones and some shreds of cloth left from the clothing. The Son gathered up the bones and the shreds of cloth. He brought them back to the village and had the necessary funeral rites done.
The Father was happy and at peace. The Son’s life improved.
Since that time, the Son always remembered to pray for his Father and to ask him to continue to bless his life.

It is necessary to continually interact with ones’ ancestors. The ancestors lead us to inner growth and worldly balance.

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